Creative ads of the week: Difflam Spray, Amazon Music and more

Creating clutter-breaking advertising is tough. A majority of the ads are simply ignored – a fate worse than being noticed and disliked. Given the fuzzy briefs, opaque approval process and other ills of advertising, this is not surprising. My weekly compilation of clutter-breaking creative ads is a small tribute to such marketing & advertising teams who manage to get their ads noticed, recalled and liked.

Difflam Spray: Usual Sorespects

Some creative ideas don’t need any copy at all to drive home the point. Here’s one such for Difflam Spry which effectively communicates that its the remedy for sore throat without saying a word. Imagine this at the London Underground as a series of posters and its sure to bring a smile on to your face.

Agency: VMLY&R

Acko: welcome change

There are several categories in India which have become less cumbersome to deal with thanks to the advent of digtial. Insurance is one such category which conjures up images of an agent, personal meetings, truck loads of paper work, hundreds of signatures – and that’s only for signing up. Insurance claims are another level of tension for users. New age, digital-first insurance brands such as Acko have reduced hassles related to insurance considerably. A new campaign arrogates welcome change to their offerings and the positive changes that have occurred in Mumbai – as a tribute to the city. The creative team of ace photographer Prashant Godbole and director Mahesh Gharath (ex-Ogilvy) have created a visually stunning campaign to drive home the point/

NHS: bowel cancer screening

Preventive healthcare is always difficult to sell. ‘Bad things happen to others, not me‘ is a prevalent attitude and a rationale for postponing decisions like insurance premia. The problem is compounded when it involves giving ones stool sample for a test to detect bowel cancer – it is both inertia and a feeling of embarrassment I suppose. A new film tackles the problem well by making light of the situation – the act of having to poop for the screening test is treated in a light hearted manner.

Agency: M&C Saatchi

New York Advertising Awards: show us something we haven’t seen

This is one ‘call for entries’ campaign which is very different in the category. The central characteristic of New York – of being diverse, quirky, busy and being blasé about even the most bizarre goings on forms the anchor of the film. The link to the award entries? It better catch our attention as we usually ignore almost everything is wonderfully brought alive.

Amazon Music: have you heard?

Our social media addiction has triggered a remarkable change in behaviour. More often than not, we are itching to share an interesting article or post on our feed even before we imbibe and appreciate that content. Hence, Amazon says, ‘once you’re a fan of something, there’s a boundless excitement to want to share that with those around you, creating new journeys of fandom for all. We partnered with emerging and established artists to create a series of fan films using a medley of different visual languages — from 3D graphics, gifs, stop motion, and handmade art — to create a tapestry of authentic fandom. Trippy film likely to appeal to the core audience of Prime (millennials, I suppose).

Which one was your favourite? Do comment in.

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