Amazon PPC and How It Works

What is Amazon PPC advertising, and how does it work?

Amazon PPC is a trusted way to boost your product visibility and make more sales. Whether you’re an e-commerce veteran or a beginner, understanding Amazon PPC can help you stand out in the world’s largest online marketplace.

This article will break down Amazon PPC campaigns in simple terms.

What is Amazon PPC?

Amazon PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, is a form of online advertising where sellers pay a fee each time a potential customer clicks on their ad. The ads are highly effective at improving sales and may appear in Amazon’s search results and product detail pages.

Read more: A guide to reselling on Amazon.

How Does Amazon PPC Ads Work?

The information below will show you how Amazon PPC advertising campaigns work:

  • Keyword research: Amazon sellers choose keywords related to their products. Their ads appear when a shopper searches for these relevant keywords on Amazon.
  • Bid amount: Amazon sellers set a bid for their PPC campaigns, the maximum amount they will pay when a shopper clicks on their ad. The higher the bid, the more likely the ad will be shown.
  • Ad placement: Amazon uses a complex algorithm to decide where ads appear. It considers the bid amount, the ad’s relevance to the searched term, and its historical performance.
  • Cost-Per-Click (CPC): This is the “pay-per-click” part of Amazon PPC. Amazon charges sellers only when a shopper clicks on their ad, not when it is displayed.

Importance of Amazon PPC for Sellers on Amazon

Below are reasons why Amazon PPC ads are a game changer in the world of online marketing:

  • Boosts visibility: Using PPC turns on the spotlight and makes your product pop up when shoppers search for related stuff.
  • Control over budget: Sellers using Amazon PPC can decide how much they will spend each day or for an advertising campaign. You can set a daily or lifetime budget using Amazon PPC, ensuring you spend your money wisely.
  • Data-driven insights: Amazon provides heaps of data on ad campaign performance. You can see what keywords score big and where your money is most useful. It’s like having a GPS for your advertising strategy.
  • Immediate results: Your ads can run within minutes once you set up your Amazon PPC campaigns. So you won’t have to wait for months to see results.
  • Competition edge: Amazon PPC levels the playing field. You can outbid and outshine your competitors, even if they are industry giants.

Amazon PPC Advertising Features and Terms

Here are some key terms and features of Amazon PPC:

1. Keywords.

Keywords are like breadcrumbs that lead shoppers to your products. They are the words and phrases shoppers type into the search bar. So, it would be best to choose your keywords wisely.

2. Bids.

Bids are like tickets to the front row of the ad show. Sellers set a bid, the maximum amount they will pay when a shopper clicks on their ad. The higher the bid, the better the chance your ad takes center stage.

3. Ad placement.

Have you noticed some Amazon ads at the top of search results and others at the bottom? That’s ad placement. The algorithm decides where your ad shows up based on your bid, relevance, and past performance.

4. Impressions.

Impressions are like window shoppers that see your ad but don’t necessarily click. The number of times your ad is displayed gives you an idea of how many people are window shopping for your products.

5. Click-through-rate (CTR).

CTR is the percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it. A high CTR means your ad is popular and engaging.

6. Cost-Per-Click (CPC).

CPC is your advertising cost. It is what you pay when a shopper clicks on your ad. You should manage your bids wisely to control your CPC.

7. Campaigns and ads group.

Think of campaigns as big folders and ad groups as smaller folders with neatly labeled files. Campaigns help organize your ads; ad groups let you group similar products or target specific words.

8. Negative keywords.

Negative keywords tell Amazon when not to show your ads.

9. Automatic targeting vs. manual targeting.

Automatic targeting means you let Amazon’s algorithm decide where to show your ads. Manual targeting, on the other hand, puts you in control, allowing you to choose the keywords and call the shots.

Types of Amazon PPC Ad

Below are the different types of Amazon PPC ads:

1. Sponsored product ads.

Sponsored product ads appear in the search results and product pages. They blend in seamlessly, giving your product a good chance of being seen by potential customers.

2. Sponsored brand ads.

Sponsored brand ads showcase your brand and multiple products at once. They appear at the top of search results, creating a visual feast for shoppers and establishing your brand presence.

3. Sponsored display ads.

Sponsored display ads can extend your reach by appearing on product detail pages, customer reviews, and third-party websites. These sponsored ads can boost your sales significantly.

4. Video ads.

Video ads allow you to showcase your products in action, telling a visual tale that engages shoppers. These PPC ads appear in search results, product detail pages, and Amazon’s home page.

5. Lock-screen ads.

Lock-screen ads appear on Kindle E-readers and Fire tablets’ lock screens. These PPC ads catch shoppers’ attention outside the Amazon marketplace. It’s a subtle yet effective way to make an impression.

Read more: The best items to sell on Amazon.

How to Create Automatic Sponsored Product Ads on Amazon

Below, we will explain the procedures for creating automatic sponsored product ads to boost your product’s presence and drive sales:

Step 1: Log into your Seller Central account.

You can start by logging into your Amazon Seller Central account. This account is your command center for all things related to selling on Amazon.

Step 2: Navigate to the advertising console.

Once inside Seller Central, find the “Advertising” tab and click on it to enter the advertising console.

Step 3: Select “Create Ad Campaigns.”

Look for the “Campaign Manager” in the advertising console and click “Create Campaign.”

Step 4: Choose “Sponsored Products”

From the campaign types available, opt for “Sponsored Products.” This selection is ideal for spotlighting specific items in your product lineup.

Step 5: Opt for “Automatic Targeting.”

Choose “Automatic Targeting” and let Amazon’s algorithms work their magic. With this selection, you won’t need to manually select keywords, as Amazon selects them based on your product information.

Step 6: Set your campaign budget.

Decide your daily or lifetime budget. This budget is the amount you will invest in your Amazon PPC ad campaign daily or over its entire duration. Consider starting modestly and adjusting your budget as you gauge performance.

Step 7: Fix your bid.

Set a bid that aligns with your budget and the competitiveness of your product category. A reasonable bid ensures your ads have a good chance of featuring prominently.

Step 8: Name your campaign and set the duration.

Give your campaign a memorable and clear name. Also, decide if your campaign will run continuously or within a specific timeframe.

Step 9: Create an ad group and set the default bid.

You can organize your products into ad groups, each with its bid. Higher bids for more critical products can give them a better chance of being seen.

Step 10: Add your products.

Select the products you want to feature in this campaign. Choose wisely and focus on products that could benefit most from increased visibility.

Step 11: Review and launch.

Take a moment to review your campaign settings. If everything looks good, hit the “Launch Campaign” button, and your automatic campaign is live.

Step 12: Monitor and optimize.

Please keep an eye on your campaign’s performance in the Advertising Console. Identify top-performing keywords and products and adjust your bids accordingly. Stay agile and ready to adapt your strategy based on what’s working and needs improvement.

Improving Your Automatic Sponsored Product Ads on Amazon

Source: Unsplash

Once you set up an automatic sponsored product campaign, the next step is to ensure it is firing on all cylinders. Below are the simple steps to optimize PPC campaigns:

Step 1: Regularly review your campaign metrics.

Head to your Amazon advertising console and closely examine your campaign metrics. Monitor important indicators like click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall spending. Understanding how your campaign is performing is the first step to optimization.

Step 2: Identify high-performing keywords.

Amazon’s automatic targeting does the heavy lifting in choosing keywords, but it’s up to you to identify the winners. Check which keywords are driving clicks and conversations. You can find this data under the “Search Term Report” in your advertising console.

Step 3: Adjust your bids strategically.

Consider adjusting your bids based on your keyword analysis. Also, allocate a higher bid to keywords that bring sales and lower bids for less effective ones. This strategy helps you spend your budget efficiently.

Step 4: Optimize product selection.

Are certain products driving more success than others? You have the flexibility to adjust your product selection within the campaign. You can highlight your best-performing products to maximize returns.

Step 5: Utilize negative keywords.

Negative keywords can be a game-changer. These keywords are terms for which you don’t want your ads to appear. Review your search term report and add irrelevant or underperforming keywords to your negative keyword list. Doing this helps refine your targeting and avoid wasted clicks.

Step 6: Refine ad copy and imagery.

Your ad’s content matters, so ensure your product titles, descriptions, and images are compelling. If you notice certain products need to get clicks, consider tweaking their presentation.

Step 7: Experiment with ad scheduling.

Test different times and days to see when your audience is most active. Amazon allows you to schedule your ads, so take advantage of this feature to optimize your campaign’s visibility during peak hours.

Step 8: Monitor your competition.

Amazon is a competitive marketplace, so please check what your competitors are doing regularly. If a rival campaign seems to outperform yours, analyze their strategy and consider adjusting to stay ahead.

Step 9: Optimize for mobile users.

Many Amazon shoppers use mobile devices, so ensure you optimize your product listings and ads for mobile viewing. Check that your images are clear and your product details are readable on small screens.

Step 10: Monitor your budget and adjust as needed.

Monitor your daily or lifetime budget closely. If a campaign consistently performs well, consider increasing the budget to capitalize on its success. Conversely, if a PPC campaign is underperforming, reallocate funds to more successful endeavors.

How To Craft Manual Sponsored Product Ads on Amazon

The following are the steps to creating a manual sponsored product campaign on Amazon:

Step 1: Sign in and navigate to Seller Central.

Log into your Amazon Seller Central account. Once you are in, click on the “Advertising Tab.”

Step 2: Create your ad campaign.

Within the advertising console, locate the “Campaign Manager” and click on it. In the campaign manager, tap the “Create Campaign” button.

Step 3: Select “Sponsored Products”

From the campaign types available, choose “Sponsored products” to put a spotlight on specific products in your inventory.

Step 4: Opt for “Manual Targeting”

Select “Manual Targeting” to take full control over the keywords that will trigger your ads. Doing this allows you to tailor your campaign based on your unique insights and market research.

Step 5: Set your campaign budget.

Decide on your daily or lifetime budget for the campaign.

Step 6: Determine your bid.

Set a bid for your keywords. Be strategic by considering your niche’s competitiveness and adjusting your bid accordingly.

Step 7: Create an ad group and set the default bid.

You can organize your products into ad groups, each with its bid. Doing this gives you more control over your advertising strategy, allowing you to prioritize certain products over others.

Step 8: Add your keywords and craft your ad.

Add relevant keywords that potential customers might use to find products like yours. Be specific and choose keywords that closely match your product. Also, compose an attention-grabbing headline and compelling ad copy. Showcase the unique features and benefits of your product to entice potential buyers.

Step 9: Review and launch.

Before you hit the launch button:

  1. Review all your settings.
  2. Ensure your budget, bid, and keywords align with your advertising goals.
  3. Once you are satisfied, launch your manual campaign.

Step 10: Monitor and adjust.

Please keep an eye on your campaign’s performance. Analyze which keywords are driving results and adjust your bid strategy accordingly.

Improving Your Manual-Sponsored Product Campaigns on Amazon

Follow the steps below to get the most out of your manual sponsored product campaigns on Amazon:

Step 1: Regularly check your campaign metrics.

You can regularly head to your Amazon advertising console to monitor your campaign metrics. Key indicators like CTR, conversion rate, and overall spending provide insights into your campaign’s health.

Step 2: Fine-tune your keywords.

Analyze your keywords’ performance by identifying the keywords driving clicks and conversions and adjusting your bid strategy accordingly. Eliminate underperforming keywords and focus on those bringing in the most value.

Step 3: Adjust bids strategically.

Now that you know which keywords are shining, adjust your bids strategically. Allocate a higher bid for keywords driving sales and consider lowering bids for less effective ones. Doing this optimizes your budget for maximum returns.

Step 4: Optimize your product selection.

Review your product lineup within the campaign. Are certain products consistently outperforming others? Shine the spotlight on your winners by adjusting bids or consider adding more top-performing products to the campaign.

Step 5: Refine ad copy and imagery.

Regularly review and refine your ad copy and imagery to keep it fresh and engaging. A compelling ad can significantly impact click-through rates and conversions.

Step 6: Utilize negative keywords wisely.

Review your Search Term Report and identify underperforming or irrelevant keywords. Add them to your negative keyword list to prevent your ads from being triggered by searches that won’t convert.

Step 7: Experiment with bid adjustments.

Amazon allows you to adjust bids based on time of day, device type, and more. Experiment with bid adjustments to capitalize on peak shopping times or target specific audience segments.

Step 8: Stay competitive.

Check your competitors’ strategies regularly and adjust your approach accordingly. If a rival campaign seems to outperform yours, analyze what they are doing right and adapt.

Step 9: Optimize for mobile users.

With the rise of mobile shopping, optimize your ad and product details for mobile users. Check that your images are clear and your product details are readable on smaller screens.

Step 10: Review your budget regularly.

Please review and adjust your budget regularly based on performance. If a campaign delivers excellent results, consider allocating more budget to maximize its potential.


Amazon PPC is a potent tool for sellers aiming to boost their product visibility and sales on the platform. By understanding the basics of Amazon PPC and how it works, you can make your products shine in the crowded digital marketplace. So, buckle up, set your bids wisely, and watch your products soar to new heights on Amazon.

Would you need some professional help with your Amazon PPC ad campaigns? Consult the top advertising agency on Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Amazon PPC, and how does it work?

Amazon PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, is an advertising model on Amazon where advertisers pay a fee each time a shopper clicks on their ad. These ads feature prominently on Amazon search results and product pages and help boost visibility. The auction-based system allows sellers to bid on keywords, and when a shopper searches for those terms, the highest bidder’s ad gets displayed.

How do I choose keywords for my Amazon PPC?

Start by thinking about terms relevant to your product. Then, leverage Amazon’s keyword research tools, analyze competitor listings, and consider long-tail keywords. Also, regularly review and refine your keyword list based on performance data from your campaigns to ensure optimal targeting.

What is the difference between automatic and manual targeting in Amazon PPC?

In automatic targeting, Amazon’s algorithms decide when to display your ads based on product information. Manual targeting, on the other hand, allows you to choose specific keywords for your ads. Automatic is hands-off and great for beginners, while manual targeting provides more control over targeting.

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