Amazon Review Not Showing Up? The Top Reasons & How To Solve Them

Is your Amazon review not showing up?

Product reviews are vital on Amazon because they show what customers think of products. Hence, Amazon reviews not showing is a common frustration many Amazon sellers and shoppers encounter.

In this article, we’ll discuss the top reasons for your Amazon review not showing and how to resolve the issue.

Possible Reasons for Amazon Reviews Not Showing Up

There are a number of reasons your Amazon reviews aren’t showing up. See them below:

Amazon Online ShoppingAmazon Online Shopping

Amazon employs a review moderation system to prevent spam and fake reviews. Sometimes, reviews may take some time to appear because they await approval from Amazon’s moderation team. This delay can vary, and it’s not uncommon for reviews to take some time before becoming visible to the public.

  • Violation of Amazon’s guidelines.

Amazon has strict guidelines for writing reviews. A review that violates these guidelines won’t pass the approval process. Examples of these violations are the usage of inappropriate language, fake reviews, promotional content, or a direct competitor’s attempt to undermine a product. Additionally, positive reviews written by the seller’s close friends or family members might be considered biased and might not be displayed.

Like any digital platform, Amazon can experience technical glitches. Sometimes, these glitches can lead to display issues. This issue is often temporary and gets resolved once the glitch is identified and fixed.

Amazon often requires reviewers to have a verified purchase of the product. If the system fails to recognize the purchase, the review might not appear. This measure is in place to ensure that reviews come from genuine buyers with firsthand experience of the product.

Posting many reviews in a short period can raise suspicion of spamming. Amazon’s algorithms might flag such activity, delaying or suppressing reviews until they can be reviewed more closely.

If Amazon detects unusual activity or multiple reviews from a single IP address, it might withhold those reviews until the source’s legitimacy is confirmed. This is to prevent review manipulation and maintain the integrity of the platform.

Steps to Address the Issue

We understand how frustrating it can be when your reviews don’t appear. You can follow these steps to fix your review problems:

Amazon employs a thorough review approval system to ensure authenticity and quality. Sometimes, reviews might experience a brief delay before becoming visible. Patience is key, so you should give the system time to process and approve the reviews. The length of these delays can vary, so avoid jumping to conclusions too quickly.

  • Encourage verified purchases.

Encouraging your customers to make verified purchases, i.e., buying products directly on Amazon, can accelerate the review process. Verified purchase reviews hold more weight in terms of credibility, so it is in your best interest to foster this practice among your customers.

  • Verify Amazon’s guidelines compliance.

Amazon has review guidelines in place to maintain fairness and originality. Double-check that your customers’ reviews adhere to these guidelines. Ensure the content is product-focused, respectful, and free from promotional language. Reviews that violate these guidelines might not be approved.

    • Request customer support assistance.

You should contact Amazon’s customer support if your customers’ reviews are consistently absent. They can provide insights into potential issues and guide you through the necessary steps to address them. Amazon’s support team is well-equipped to handle review-related concerns.

  • Educate customers on review guidelines.

Proactively educate your customers about Amazon’s review guidelines. You increase the likelihood of compliant and effective reviews by letting them know what is expected in their reviews. This education can also prevent potential issues from arising.

  • Monitor for technical glitches.

Technical glitches can cause reviews not to be displayed properly. Monitor your product pages and reviews section to ensure everything runs smoothly. If you notice any inconsistencies or glitches, report them to Amazon’s support team for swift resolution.

  • Encourage honest and constructive reviews.

Encourage your customers to give honest and constructive feedback. Genuine reviews focusing on product experiences are more likely to be approved and appreciated by potential buyers. Hence, it would be best if you highlighted the importance of authenticity in reviews to your customer base.

  • Avoid incentivized reviews.

Amazon needs to know the outcomes of a positive product review in their operations. This online marketplace forbids sellers from using incentives to offer buyers discounts or free products to get a positive review. Failure to follow this rule can cause you to lose your Amazon profile.

Importance of Amazon Reviews

Amazon reviews offer several benefits, including:

  • Building trust in the virtual world.

In a world where we can’t physically touch or test products before purchase, trust is the currency of online shopping. Amazon reviews function as a trust-building mechanism, allowing buyers to hear from their peers about their real-life experience with a product. Positive reviews reassure potential buyers that they won’t lose their hard-earned money, while negative reviews provide insights into potential pitfalls. These collective opinions mimic our conversations with friends before making a decision.

  • The social proof phenomenon.

Human psychology is an intricate dance of influence, and Amazon reviews tap into the concept of social proof. According to psychology, people tend to follow the actions and opinions of others. When we see a product with hundreds of positive reviews, our brains interpret this as a vote of confidence from a community of buyers. This effect is amplified when potential customers spot verified purchase reviews from individuals with similar needs or preferences. Reading such reviews makes the purchase decision feel like a collective one.

  • Guiding the decision-making journey.

Imagine scrolling through a sea of product listings, each promising the world. How do you choose? Amazon reviews serve as a compass. You can filter out the noise and zoom in on products that have garnered positive reviews from like-minded individuals. These customer reviews can help you assess a product’s effectiveness and whether a product meets your expectations. All the reviews provide insights beyond product descriptions, giving a glimpse into real-world applications.

  • Influence on seller success.

For Amazon sellers, reviews are more than just feedback; they are the cornerstone of success. When customers leave positive reviews, they elevate a product’s visibility. This leads to increased sales and higher ranks in search results. The ripple effect is substantial as higher rankings translate into more visibility, potential customers, and, subsequently, more reviews. It is a virtuous cycle where quality products and exceptional service are rewarded with enhanced visibility.

Negative reviews aren’t just a black mark on a product; they are an opportunity for sellers to improve. Constructive criticism helps Amazon sellers identify areas of concern and make the necessary adjustments. By addressing customer concerns, sellers can transform detractors into advocates, enhancing their reputation and fostering customer loyalty. This dynamic highlights the symbiotic relationship between buyers and sellers in the Amazon ecosystem.

Online MarketplaceOnline Marketplace

The market community can hear every shopper’s voice in the digital realm, and Amazon reviews democratize this process. Whether a casual shopper or a seasoned expert, everyone’s opinion carries weight. This sense of empowerment encourages consumers to share their thoughts, fostering a community of transparency and accountability. Products that deliver on their promises rise to the top, while those that fall short are held accountable through candid reviews.

Seller Feedback vs. Product Reviews

Within the Amazon marketplace, seller feedback and product reviews are two critical elements that shape the transaction experience. While they might seem similar, each serves a distinct purpose. Below are illustrations of the difference between both elements:

Seller feedback: The vendor’s report card

What is seller feedback? Seller feedback is similar to a vendor’s report card as it reflects the overall performance of a seller. It encompasses the buying experience, from shipping time and customer service to communication and product quality.

Why is seller feedback important? Sellers’ reviews influence their reputation on Amazon. Positive feedback boosts a seller’s credibility, leading to increased sales and higher rankings in search results. It is a thorough measure of a seller’s professionalism and service.

How to give seller feedback: Customers receive a prompt to rate their experience with the seller after a purchase. Also, buyers can access the “Orders” section on their Amazon account, find the relevant order, and leave feedback there.

Product reviews: Consumer’s voice

What are product reviews? Product reviews focus solely on the item you purchased. They offer insight into the product’s quality, features, and real-life performance.

Why are product reviews important? Product reviews serve as a guide for other potential buyers. They help shoppers make informed decisions based on real experiences. A positive product review can boost a product’s popularity, while a negative review can serve as a warning signs.

How to write product reviews: First, shoppers should go to the product’s page, scroll down, and locate the “Write a customer review” button. Then, they can rate the product and share their thoughts about it.


Reviews are integral to the Amazon shopping experience, benefiting buyers and sellers. While it can be frustrating when your reviews don’t appear, it’s essential to understand that various factors influence the process. From review approval procedures to technical glitches and account-related issues, reviews may fail to appear for various reasons. By following the steps mentioned above and Amazon’s guidelines, you can increase the chances of your reviews being approved and shared with the Amazon community.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Amazon review showing up after some time?

Amazon employs a review moderation process to ensure authenticity and quality. This means a brief delay might occur before the review becomes visible to the public.

What could be causing my reviews to not appear on Amazon?

Several factors could contribute to this issue. It could be due to guideline violations, technical glitches, or the need for purchase verification.

Would Amazon customer support be able to help if my reviews aren’t appearing?

Yes, Amazon’s customer support can be a valuable resource in such situations. They can provide insights into potential issues and guide you through the steps to address the problem. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

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