Amazon Vendor Central Account: The Complete Guide

Are you looking to scale your business by tapping into one of the world’s largest online marketplaces?

Amazon Vendor Central might just be your golden ticket. This exclusive platform is where manufacturers and distributors can become official suppliers to Amazon. Joining this platform will boost your brand’s visibility and sales.

However, joining Amazon Vendor Central can seem daunting. So, we have written this blog post to enlighten you.

What is Amazon Vendor Central?

Amazon Vendor Central

Amazon Vendor Central

Amazon Vendor Central is a platform manufacturers and distributors use to sell their products directly to Amazon, instead of customers. When you use Vendor Central, you sell your products in bulk to Amazon, and then Amazon sells them to its customers. This means you don’t have to worry about managing individual sales, dealing with customer service, or handling shipping for each order. Instead, Amazon takes care of all that. It’s a great way for businesses to expand their reach, as their products benefit from Amazon’s vast customer base and trusted branding.

What’s the Cost of Joining Amazon Vendor Central?

As a third-party seller, understanding the costs associated is crucial for effective financial planning before you join Vendor Central. Let’s break down Amazon’s Vendor Central pricing to help you make informed decisions for your business:

1. No subscription fee.

The good news is that Amazon Vendor Central doesn’t charge a subscription fee. Unlike other e-commerce platforms, you won’t need to worry about a recurring monthly cost to have a presence on Amazon Vendor Central.

2. Shipping and handling costs.

While there isn’t a subscription fee, Amazon vendors are responsible for the shipping and handling costs of their products. It’s essential to factor in these expenses when pricing your products on Amazon Vendor Central to ensure your profit margins remain healthy.

3. Marketing and promotional expenses.

Amazon offers marketing and promotional tools like Sponsored Product ads to help your products stand out. While these tools can enhance your visibility and drive sales, they come with additional costs. Businesses should carefully assess their marketing budget and use these tools strategically to maximize their impact.

4. Amazon Retail Analytics (ARA) cost.

Access to valuable data through Amazon Retail Analytics (ARA) is available but comes with an additional cost. ARA provides insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and inventory management. While it can be a valuable resource for decision-making, businesses should weigh the benefits against the associated expenses.

5. Chargebacks and deductions.

Businesses should be aware of chargebacks and deductions on Amazon Vendor Central. Amazon makes these deductions for various reasons, such as shipping discrepancies or pricing errors. Staying vigilant and addressing these issues promptly can help minimize their impact on your bottom line.

6. Investment in compliance.

Meeting Amazon’s compliance standards may require some upfront investment. This includes packaging, labeling, and adhering to other specific requirements. While these costs are necessary for business on the platform, understanding and budgeting them in advance is key.

Amazon Vendor Central

Amazon Vendor Central

Amazon Vendor Central VS Amazon Seller Central

Understanding the differences between Amazon Vendor Central and Amazon Seller Central is essential. These two platforms offer distinct paths to selling on Amazon, each with its features, benefits, and considerations. Let’s explore the key differences between Amazon Vendor Central and Amazon Seller Central in a clear and easy-to-understand manner.

Amazon Vendor Central.

Vendor Central is an invitation-only platform where you forge a direct relationship with Amazon as a supplier. If you join Amazon Vendor Central, Amazon buys your products in bulk at a negotiated price and handles shipping, customer service, and returns. Also, marketplace sellers can access Amazon Marketing Services for enhanced product visibility.

However, Amazon may negotiate pricing, impacting your profit margins. The Amazon Vendor Central platform offers limited control over product listings and branding as Amazon has more control. Also, chargebacks and deductions occur.

Amazon Seller Central.

Creating an Amazon Seller Central account doesn’t require an invitation, as it’s open to any business interested in selling on Amazon. In Seller Central, you manage product listings, pricing, and branding according to your preferences. In addition, you can choose between Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) or self-fulfillment options and access Amazon Advertising for targeted promotions.

However, if you choose a professional selling plan over an individual plan, you will pay a monthly subscription fee. Also, if you choose self-fulfillment options, handle shipping, customer service, and returns independently. In addition, third-party sellers who use Seller Central have no direct partnership with Amazon as a supplier.


Amazon Vendor Central offers an avenue for manufacturers and distributors to amplify their market reach and streamline their sales process. By partnering with Amazon, you can leverage their extensive network and expertise. This frees you up to focus on product development and business growth.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Amazon Vendor Central, and how does it differ from Seller Central?

Amazon Vendor Central is a platform that allows businesses to sell products directly to Amazon. Meanwhile, Seller Central is for businesses wanting to sell directly to customers on the platform, managing their product listings, pricing, and fulfillment.

How can I get an Amazon Vendor Central account?

Getting an Amazon Vendor Central account requires an invitation from Amazon. The company extends invitations to established brands with a track record.

What benefits does Amazon Vendor Central offer for marketing my products?

Amazon Vendor Central provides access to Amazon Marketing Services (AMS), offering various marketing tools to enhance product visibility. Vendors can create targeted advertising campaigns, promotions, and deals to boost their products’ presence on the platform.

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